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Czech Mountains » Jeseníky Mountains

Jeseníky mountains, Rychleby mountains, Králický Sněžník

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Snow report
Snow report
SnowNew snowType of snowConditionsLifts in operationTemperature
Červenohorské sedlo30-70-artificialOperation Sa-Su0/85,6
Praděd70-100-frozenIn operation5/73,2
Ramzová5-10--Out of operation2/34,7
M. Morávka - Karlov30-80-artificialIn operation2/107,0
Ostružná---Out of operation0/46,3
Kouty nad Desnou40-60-artificialOperation Sa-Su0/44,1
Kopřivná50-70-artificialOperation Sa-Su0/35,2
Dolní Morava35-75-granularOut of operation0/84,1
Branná40-60-artificialIn operation3/46,3
Čerťák pod Pradědem---Out of operation0/3-
Filipovice---Out of operation0/37,6
Karlov - Klobouk---Out of operation0/1-
Klepáčov40- - Operation Sa-Su1/3-
Kraličák---Out of operation0/65,3
Kunčice - SKITECH---Out of operation0/4-
Miroslav---Out of operation0/36,3
Funiculars and ski centres - Jeseníky mountains, Rychleby mountains, Králický Sněžník
Funiculars and ski centres
Ski lifts, ski slopes, cross-country, opening hours, prices, snow report, maps, photos and more
Guide - Jeseníky mountains, Rychleby mountains, Králický Sněžník
Jeseníky Mountains are situated in the northernmost part of Moravia, by Poland border. Their core part are Hrubý Jeseník Mountains. Kralický Sněžník, Rychleby Mountains and Nízký Jeseník are other parts of this area.
Mapa regionu
Map of the area
Hruby Jesenik Mts., massif of Kralicky Sneznik and Rychleby Mts. exceed altitude 1000m a.s.l. Nizky Jeseník Mts. with the highest mountain Slunecna (798m a.s.l.) in the east forms the gently undulating plateau. The highest mountain in Moravia and Silesia - Praded (1492m a.s.l.) is located in the eastern part of Hruby Jesenik. Other significant peaks of Hruby Jesenik are Keprnik (1423m a.s.l.), Vysoka Hole (1464m a.s.l.) or Mravenecnik (1343m a.s.l.). Massif of Kralicky Sneznik (1424m a.s.l.) follows the Jeseniky Mts. on the west and forms, together with Rychleby Mountains, the border with Kłodzko in Poland. The highest peak of Rychleby Mountains is Smrk (1125m a.s.l.). Jeseniky Mountains provide ideal conditions for recreation, tourism and winter sports. The whole area of Jeseniky Mountains is crisscrossed by rich network of marked hiking routes and many recreational and sports centers.
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