Mountain cottages Jeseníky mountains, Rychleby mountains, Králický Sněžník
The database Mountain cottages Jeseníky mountains, Rychleby mountains, Králický Sněžník contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
Mountain cottage Smrčník
Type: Mountain cottage
Place: Lipová - lázně
Mountain cottage at hamlet in Hrubý Jeseník mountains, about 2km far from spa village Lipová - lázně. Capacity 45 beds.
Price per bed per night approx.:
Ramzová - 15 - 20 cm snow pack
Cottage Kladské sedlo
Type: Mountain cottage
Place: Nová Seninka
This mountain cottage was build in the year 2006 as the toll house and rebuilt as the mountain cottage. This cottage
… More » is situated at the peak of Jeseníky, at the border with Poland. Cottage has four rooms, each with bathroom. Kitchen is located in the lower floor.
Price per bed per night approx.:
Snow conditions: © Sitour CZ and ski resort operators