Accommodation with dog Nezdice na Šumavě
Spend an unforgettable holiday in Nezdice na Šumavě together with your dog. Your four-legged friend will certainly appreciate it.
Šumavská rychta
Type: Cottage
Place: Nezdice na Šumavě
Rental of a cultural monument: The Renaissance granary-type house of the aristocratic family Koc from Dobrš. Ideal for ten adults.
Kašperské Hory - 65 cm snow pack, Type of snow: artificial
Timber house - Lazny
Type: Cottage
Place: Kašperské Hory, Strašín
Timber house located in Lazny, part of the village Strasin. Beautiful location near the forest, at the end of the
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Kašperské Hory - 65 cm snow pack, Type of snow: artificial
The database contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation with dog in Nezdice na Šumavě. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
Snow conditions: © Sitour CZ and ski resort operators