Mountain cottages Malá Úpa
Mala Upa is a mountain village in the valley of stream Úpa. It reaches in the wide area on the slopes of Hraniční ridge. At the part of village named Pomezní Boudy is situated the border-point to Poland. In the area of Malá Úpa is situated several ski tows and objects for summer and winter recreation.
More about Malá Úpa
Malá Úpa - Interesting points in surrounding
Type: Mountain cottage
Place: Dolní Malá Úpa
Mountain cottage in the picturesque village Mala Upa offers 34 beds in 10 rooms with bathroom and WC. There is
… More » a restaurant with bar and panoramic terrace (mountain Sněžka, valley with Church of St.Peter and Paul). Downhill and cross-country trails directly by the cottage. Mountain biking, hiking.
Price per bed per night approx.:
Malá Úpa - 50 - 75 cm snow pack, Type of snow: artificial
The database Mountain cottages Malá Úpa contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
Snow conditions: © Sitour CZ and ski resort operators