Cottages Hrubá Skála
Originally a Gothic castle Hrubá Skála founded around 1300 by Hynek of Wallenstein on a rock platform about 8 km from Turnov. A hewn well, cellars and traces of an access staircase have been preserved from the castle called Skály. A Renaissance chateau Hrubá Skála was built on the site of the castle in the 16th century.
More about Hrubá Skála
Hrubá Skála - Interesting points in surrounding
Timbered cottage Doubravice
Type: Cottage
Place: Hrubá Skála, Doubravice
The cottage is situated in the heart of the Bohemian Paradise, under the castle hruba Slaka, in the village Doubravice.
Price per bed per night approx.:
The database Cottages Hrubá Skála contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
Snow conditions: © Sitour CZ and ski resort operators