Apartments Svoboda nad Úpou
Mountain town in the junction of river Úpa and Jánský brook. Today is the town a recreation centre.
More about Svoboda nad Úpou
Svoboda nad Úpou - Interesting points in surrounding
Šťastná třináctka
Type: Apartments
Place: Svoboda nad Úpou
Fully equipped apartment for 4-5 persons in an apartment house with its own parking space right by the skibus station
… More » to Janske Lazne, Cerna hora, Pec pod Snezkou, Mlade Buky. Special prices, the possibility of long weekend stay. Ideal for downhill and cross country skiing or hiking. TV, WIFI.
Price per bed per night approx.:
Černá hora - J.Lázně - 40 - 80 cm snow pack, Type of snow: granular
Mountain apartments Smrčina
Type: Apartments
Place: Janské Lázně
The apartments are located in the Giant Mountains National Park at the foothill of mountain Černá hora, near the
… More » Treetop Trail and Hoffman's hut. An ideal place for skiing (Ski Resort ČERNÁ HORA - PEC), hiking, cycling or just spending time with family and friends.
Černá hora - J.Lázně - 40 - 80 cm snow pack, Type of snow: granular
The database Apartments Svoboda nad Úpou contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
Snow conditions: © Sitour CZ and ski resort operators