Red route 0233
The route starts in Kraslice near the church (crossroads with red 0232, blue 1449, yellow 6658, yellow 6662) and continues along the stream Svatava, around the locality Tisová over Zelená Hora to Bublava. From there we can continue (crossroads with blue 1449) left to crossroads named Nancy near the Sříbrná (crossroad with green 3648), from there the route goes along the road to locality Rájec and around the gamekeeper´s lodge through Rájec valley to crossroads near Rolava. It continues around the hill Milíře through crossroads north of Přebuz (crossroads with green 3652) to locality Jelení and along road and Slatinský brook to gamekeeper´s lodge Vlčina (crossroads with green 3650). From there it goes to railway station Horní Blatná (crossroads with green 3653, yellow 6665, red 0234) and there the route finishes.

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