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Hiking, Trip to surroundings
Around Cinovec

Length: 21 km
Dificulty: difficult
Circle: YES, Marking: partialy marked

Trail trip begins in the village Cínovec by the border around the hotel Pomezi and continues at the blue sign to the south around the hill Spaleniste and then along the national road in the valley of river Bystrice in the village Dubi. The trail turned right by the local bus station and leads to the green sign over the railway station to myslivně Jedlovka. From there the trips continues around the village Mikulov to the crossroads under Klínovčík hill. Then, goes over the hill Klínovčík after the red mark and Jedlovecké polesí back to Cínovec.


   Hiking, Trip to surroundings - Around Cinovec
See the map

 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 853 m n.m.         
 The hill - Husův vrch 
 852 m n.m.        
 Pod vrchem Spáleniště 
 679 m n.m.        
 454 m n.m.      cross road with tourist sign 
 U Pokorných 
 565 m n.m.        
 Myslivna Jedlovka 
 752 m n.m.        
 Pod Klínovčíkem 
 807 m n.m.      part of the trail is same with tourist sign 
 U Vojáka 
 875 m n.m.         
 Zadní Cínovec 
 864 m n.m.         
 853 m n.m.        

 Major centre summer and winter recreation. Interesting is the baroque church of the 18th century, surrounded by mountain cemetery. There are border crossing with Germany.
 The local spas to treat neurological diseases in particular. The important building in Dubi Pseudo church built in the 19th century. Nearby is a large park with Lovecký pavilion and the so-called Tupelinin castle in the Chinese style from the early 18th century.

Hiking, Trip to surroundings - Around Cinovec

Photos of the route

Church of Nanebevzetí Panny Marie in Cínovec
Chalet Pomezí on the top of Cínovec
Church of Panna Marie in Dubí
The water Terezie Spa in Dubí


  Accommodation Mikulov
  Accommodation Teplice
  Accommodation Kovářská
  Accommodation Ore Mountains
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