Low Tatras Low Tatras Low Tatras

Hiking, Trip to surroundings
Around Borová Lada

Length: 14,6 km
Dificulty: medium
Circle: YES, Marking: marked

This trip starts on Borová Lada and continues by the green touristic track for about 1km by a car road towards Svinná Lada. From there it is possible to take a detour and go through the Chalupská Slať to the lake. Then the trip continues to the crossroad Pod Zvěřínem where it turns to the yellow track leading through Šindlov to the crossroad Pod Kamenou. From there it turns to the red track towards the crossroad called Švajglova, but about a km before it reaches the crossroad it first visits the view-point called Alpská Vyhlídka. Then from the crossroad it takes the green track back to Borová Lada.


   Hiking, Trip to surroundings - Around Borová Lada
See the map

 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 Borová Lada 
 898 m n.m.       crossroad with cyclo route 1040 
 Svinná Lada 
 915 m n.m.       cyclo route 1040 
 Pod Zvěřínem 
 945 m n.m.      crossroad green tourist route 
 963 m n.m.       crossroad red tourist route 
 Pod Kamennou crossroad 
 1054 m n.m.      crossroad yellow tourist route 
 Alpská vyhlídka 
 1080 m n.m.        
 Švajglova Lada 
 1057 m n.m.       crossroad red tourist route, cyclo route 1053 
 Nový svět crossroad 
 913 m n.m.        cyclo route 1053 
 Borová Lada 
 898 m n.m.        

 Svinná Lada - In the vicinity of Borová Lada there is the peat bog called Chalupská Slat. In the information center you will find a permanent exhibition devoted to the theme of the main types of peat bogs in the Bohemian Forest and their significance in nature
 Alpská vyhlídka (Alpine Lookout) - The Alpine Lookout offers a magnificent view of the valley of Teplá Vltava and in good weather even the Alps.
 Švajglova Lada - Švajglova Lada was founded in the middle of deep forests by prince Schwarzenberg in 1756. Today, there is only a hunting lodge in the former settlement where the crystal clear water rises and one of the two lime-trees that grew up in the no longer existing chapel.

Hiking, Trip to surroundings - Around Borová Lada

Photos of the route

Peat-bog near Borová Lada
Peat-bog near Borová Lada
Svinná Lada
Borová Lada
Borová Lada - Chalupská peat-bog
Borová Lada - Chalupská peat-bog
Borová Lada - Chalupská peat-bog


  Accommodation Nové Hutě
  Accommodation Kvilda
  Accommodation Churáňov
  Accommodation Šumava Mountains
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