Tourist bus-lines in the Giant mountains 2022
31st May - 28th September

Bus lines
Line 1 - Harrachov - Rokytnice - Vrchlabí - Janské Lázně - Pec p.Sn. - Horní Malá Úpa ( time table )
Line 2 - Jilemnice - Horní Mísečky ( time table )
Line 3 - Vrchlabí - Špindlerův Mlýn - Špindlerova bouda ( time table )
Line 4 - Úpice - Trutnov - Mladé Buky - Svoboda nad Úpou - Pec pod Sněžkou - Pomezní Boudy ( time table )
Line 5 - Žacléř - Trutnov ( time table )
Line 6 - Vrchlabí - Hradec Králové ( time table )
Railway connection
Line 1 - Hostinné – Trutnov ( time table )
Line 2 - Trutnov – Svoboda nad Úpou ( time table )
Line 3 - Liberec – Harrachov ( time table )
• Goes every Saturday and Sunday in June, daily in July and August. In September every Thursday, Saturday,
Sunday and feast. • Prices of ticket by the normal price list of transporter. • The morning buses wait at bus stop for next busses max. 10 minutes • Notice: The bus may be delayed if the weather is good and there are a lot of tourists |
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