High Tatras High Tatras High Tatras

Cycling routes - Kostelec nad Orlicí - Potštejn and back

Length: 22 km
Dificulty: medium
Bikes: cross bike

An easy trip suitable for recreational riders takes you around the sights of the Kostelec area.


 Dist.   Location   Elevation   Marking   Description 
 Kostelec nad Orlicí 
 293 m n.m.       4321 
 345 m n.m.       4321 
 Suchá Rybná 
 364 m n.m.      4321 
 426 m n.m.      4321 
 U třech pánů 
 359 m n.m.      red tourist track 
 319 m n.m.      yellow tourist track, 4046 
 294 m n.m.      4312 
 Doudleby nad Orlicí 
 284 m n.m.        yellow tourist track, 4312, blue tourist track, 4312 
 Kostelec nad Orlicí 
 293 m n.m.        

 Kostelec nad Orlicí - Palackého square - Nový zámek (New Chateau) built in the first part of 19th century is one of the most beautiful empire sights in ČR.
Starý zámek (Old Chateau) located down town is the oldest of the mansions in Kostelec nad Orlicí. It was built on the place of the former fortress which had burned down. In 1777 the baroque chateau also burned down and was rebuilt into its current form.
 U třech pánů – near to settlement Velešov (yellow touristic track) – remains of a 14th century castle.
 Potštejn - Castle Potštejn - First written mention of this castle comes from the beginning of 14th century.
Picturesque baroque Chateau Potštějn, was built by the count Jan Ludvík Harbuval Chamaré in 1749. It is a perfect place for small and big, alone and groups, for everybody looking for history and culture and for the ones that want to experience something extraordinary. The newly reconstructed Potštejn chateau offers many interesting cultural actions such as classic tours, tours in baroque costumes for kids and adults, night tours with slightly delicate tint, “fairyland”, chateau sweet-shop, accommodation right at the chateau, weddings and much more.
 Doudleby nad Orlicí –Renaisance Chateau Doudleby established in 1588 by Mikuláš Starší z Bubna. Originally it was a summer house and later used as a hunting chateau. Today there is an exposition
Military history museum with uniforms, weapons, documents about Czechoslovakia and the word wars.

Cycling routes - Kostelec nad Orlicí - Potštejn and back

Photos of the route


  Accommodation Nebeská Rybná
  Accommodation Souvlastní
  Accommodation Zdobnice
  Accommodation Eagle Mountains
Catalogue of accommodation